Artificial Intelligence - Face Animation Tutorial
Tutorial code: click here to open
Artificial Intelligence playlist Introduction: Machine Learning and Deep Learning overview.
Face-animation (Deep-Fake) example.
Tutorial introduction: Face animation is a Deep-Learning tool that uses a video of a face to animate a photo.
How to open the tutorial in Colab (use the link above in thisvideo description, log in your Google account and save the colab notebook to your Google Drive).
Do not worry if the code looks long and difficult: this time we will not explain the code: we will only press a few buttons to tun the code and to produce the video result we are after.
How to upload the inputs from your computer into Colab.
The inputs: a video of a face, and photos of faces: what inputs work best.
How to choose the image to use as input face photo.
How to choose the video to use as input face driving video.
How to visualize the inputs.
Generating the output video (without audio).
How to add audio to the output video.
How to download the output video (with audio).
Face-animation (Deep-Fake) final greetings.